i think...

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

A Lttle Blast From The Past,,

sometime we dont need a big blast to remind something sweet...

we dont need a luxurious gift just to keep all the sweet stuff inside ..

a little thing will bring u back to the past..

since last few days,, been preparing my breakfast

a cup of milk tea, two pieces wholegrain with Giant choco chunk

accompanied by easy-listening play list

and some "ancient" fashion magazines

then my heart whispering,,, " i think i missed something,,"

oh.. i realized

no more student

no more " kos-kosan"

no more college schedule

no more,,, not anymore

all i can do is just

just walk with those sweet memories

and i have to admit that i miss my real companion, Gita who loves to come to my room just to have breakfast together and we pretended like we were at Gramercy,,,


waar blijft de tijd huh???

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